Saturday, December 31, 2011

Same Old Song Again

We thought a lot about how we wanted to continue this photo project. We considered going to more of a weekly summary format like our friends Ryan and Rachel. Sometimes we are really challenged to come up with a photo of the day. And sometimes we feel we would like to add more, for example some of the birthday party projects we did or things like that, than a photo-of-the-day format really allows. However, we find that some of our really fun pictures come unexpectedly from days where we have to work to find something, and we don't want to miss out on those great pictures. So we have decided to stick with the same format, but we may have some longer posts if we feel we want to record certain special events. We have taken a picture for the last 730 days in a row, and it is amazing how much our life has changed and the unexpected turns God had in store for us. We are excited to continue this project for 2012 and we hope you will join us over at This will be the last post on this blog, so we'll see you over in the new one!

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