Monday, May 16, 2011

Tastes Like Meh

Ask anyone from California what their favorite burger chain is, and they'll probably tell you something like, "IN-N-OUT!  IT'S THE BEST EVER!  WHAT?  YOU HAVEN'T TRIED IT.  OH MY GOSH!  YOU HAVE TO TRY IT!  YOU'LL LOVE IT!  IT'S SOOOOO GOOD!"  So we're in California for our training, and they decided to bring us In-N-Out burgers to eat while we worked on our projects.  Greatest ever?  Not by a long shot.  Really good?  I wouldn't go that far.  Tastes like decaying roadkill?  No, better than that.  Decent?  Yeah, I'll go with that.


  1. What?! In-N-Out is awesome! You have to try it animal style! (I know that sounds a little suspect but I's the In-N-Out secret).

  2. Yeah, they're the same way in Nevada. I'm not sure why they think thousand Island dressing on a burger is so wonderful, but like you I was not overly impressed with in-n-out. I'll take Red Robin any day.
