Today is a challenging day because the day before I have company I always cook as much as possible and do all my prep work so that I can enjoy myself when people are here. It works really well, but it's hard to do all my cooking and baking while also watching a baby. He used to be endlessly entertained by the exersaucer, but now he only likes it for 20 min or so and then wants to get out and move around. So what I do now is confine him to the kitchen and let him crawl around with the tupperware because he loves tupperware for some reason and between that and crawling through the exersaucer, he stays out of trouble for quite awhile. Terrence and Natalie walk around behind him trying to get his feet. It's a cooking experience with a lot of potential for tripping, but I still find it very rewarding.
All you girls were big fans of Tupperware, wooden spoons, spatulas etc. - very entertaining stuff at that age. Water was always a favorite too - cheapest "toys" around.