Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ridley Scott Would Be Proud

I normally wouldn't post something like this, because we're not actually trying to repulse people, but I'll make an exception this time.  So I apparently have a sebaceous cyst, which is a gross name, and the cyst itself is also pretty gross.  You can't really get a feel for the depth of it from this picture, but it sticks out almost a full inch from my body.  Disgusting, right?  Yes.  That is, unless you start thinking of it less as a subdermal sac of disgusting pus-like fluid and more like an alien trying to emerge from your stomach.  Then it becomes fun.  Will the alien come out?  What will it look like?  Will it be able to talk?  Will it be just like the movie?  See, not so bad now, is it?

1 comment:

  1. I've heard of those - how do you get rid of them and what causes them? Hopefully it will be gone by swimsuit season (lol).
