Thursday, November 10, 2011

$2 Fleece

I am a big fan of Eddie Bauer down comforters. I am not alone because a few years ago Eddie Bauer stopped selling all homegoods (they formerly had a whole home store) except they still sell down comforters. I have had two, one I got in college and the second I got when Jason and I upsized to a king size bed. Now we are replacing that one because a dog scratched it and it has been losing feathers through the hole. I am totally excited about the new one. I think these comforters are perfect because they are not too hot in the summer, but somehow keep you really warm in the winter too (especially when you haven't lost half the feathers). The downside is I either have to go the mall to buy it (which I have been to the mall maybe twice in the past five years. I hate hate hate the mall and am not a big fan of in-person shopping) or I have to pay shipping, which I also really hate. But Eddie Bauer, besides running a nice down sale, was running free shipping if you bought a fleece. So I bought Joshua the cheapest fleece in the store. It is super adorable and cost $2 more than shipping would have. Here I am with the fleece. I have been working on master bedroom decor so hopefully I will have a picture of the comforter in the near future too, but it hinges on some spray painting and sewing projects I have been dragging my feet on.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the new comforter and Joshua's new fleece jacket.
