Friday, September 30, 2011

I Would Call Her Susan

My plan for Joshua's birthday gift is that I am going to make him a felt playhouse, which is a very popular project online. I decided to start with the back, in case I mess up, which will have a doghouse and door that he can crawl through. I think every doghouse needs a dog so today I made this pug out of felt, which was way more work than I was planning on which makes me think finishing this house by his birthday is a huge task. But most of it won't be this level of detail so I am hoping it won't be that bad. Anyway, the pug came out slightly deformed, but mostly well. I will not name her (I think she definitely looks like a girl) because it's not my playhouse, but I think she definitely looks like a Susan.


  1. That is sooo cute - I'm sure the playhouse will be a big hit.

  2. Wow Meghan - Susan looks great!
