Today our social worker, Nancy, came over for our last post-placement visit. Hopefully this will put us on track to finalize our adoption around the six month mark.
Monday, February 28, 2011
The Last Visit
Today our social worker, Nancy, came over for our last post-placement visit. Hopefully this will put us on track to finalize our adoption around the six month mark.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Lunch with Christine
Today Christine came over to get some things my parents had us bring back to her from Birmingham. We also ate a delicious lunch at Panera. Here we are at the restaurant.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Forbidden Love
Today Joshua and I went to Nick's house to watch the K-State/Mizzou game with the Bartons and the Keelers. It was really fun to get to hang out with my best friends and their families. Here Joshua and I sit next to Nick and Macyn. Joshua is apparently quite the ladies' man, as Macyn seemed very interested in him. Nick reminded her that she's not allowed to date until she's 30.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Learning to Sit
We are working on helping Joshua learn to sit which is hard at times because he much prefers to stand. Most of the time we practice on the floor or with a Boppy, but sometimes we have him sit in his chair. It doesn't allow him to fall and gives him a new perspective so I am hoping it convinces him that sitting can be fun too.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Culinary Improvisation
Although I was hoping we were done with the snow, apparently we weren't, as snow, ice, and sleet hit KC today (as you can see out the window in this picture). Because of the weather, Meghan wasn't able to go to the grocery store as she had planned, and we really didn't have any food in the house. Fortunately for me, I married a talented cook, so she was able to figure out a combination of ingredients that resulted in some delicious chili for us.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
First Wing Night of the Year
Due to all of our busy schedules, our guys' group hasn't been able to meet yet this year, but tonight was a night that worked with all of our schedules (except John's), so we were able to meet up at our normal Buffalo Wild Wings location. They even had two new sauces, Jammin' Jalapeno and Thai Curry. I tried both, and they were both pretty good but not great. It's hard to beat Mango Habanero and Caribbean Jerk, though.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Some Tired Guys
Today Jason had planned to drive to St. Louis, but that trip ended up not happening so he was able to be home. I was glad as he was already tired from all the driving over the weekend. When he was getting Joshua ready for bed, I noticed it was awfully quiet so I went to go check on them and apparently our family was very sleepy (Terrence was upstairs in bed, also asleep).
Monday, February 21, 2011
A Sad Story
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Dinner with the Williams Family
Tonight we ate dinner with my mom and dad at their home. My mom made us some of her delicious lasagna. Here we are after dinner.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Touring Birmingham
Friday, February 18, 2011
Birmingham or Bust
We're going to Birmingham over the long weekend so we can see both Meghan's parents and Michelle and Sam. We'll be in six states on our drive there. Today we're making our way across the country. Meghan's sitting in the back seat so she can feed Joshua and keep him entertained as needed. Here's my view of both of them as I drive down the road.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Good Riddance
We've had some ridiculous snow storms so far this year, and we've had a lot of snow on the ground for quite awhile now. But the last few days have been warm, and the temperature even got into the 70s today. So in a matter of a few days we went from a thick blanket of snow to almost nothing. I say almost nothing, because I thought it was all gone, but then when I got home I noticed this last remaining remnant trying to hang on to avoid eradication. This is where the largest pile of shoveled snow was, and now it's reduced to this. May it die a slow, melting death.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Blues Brothers
While in Midway airport in Chicago, I ran across a statue of the Blues Brothers. Although the movie was a little before my time, I certainly know who they are, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity for a photo.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Meghan and I often do our Valentine's Day celebration on a day that's close to the 14th but not the exact day to avoid the crowds. This year we decided to do it on the 15th. Mom and Ron watched Joshua, and we were able to go to a nice restaurant in Lawrence (Pachamama's) and then to a movie. We saw True Grit, which was a little disappointing compared to what we heard, and it was sort of depressing at the end, so maybe it wasn't the best choice, but there weren't really many other decent options. We still had a really nice time though.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Chicken Hawk

Tonight Joshua and I watched the KU/K-State game together. Fortunately, K-State finally played up to their level of talent, and they dismantled KU in front of a raucous crowd at Bramlage. It made me very very very happy.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Meeting the Akins Family
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Four Months
Today Joshua turned four months old. He is getting so big. I am really curious how much he will weigh at his upcoming Dr's Appt.
Friday, February 11, 2011
I decided to get Joshua an exersaucer even though he is just now turning four months because sometimes he really likes standing up and he gets mad when I put him down. But I can't hold him in the standing position all the time, so I thought he might enjoy this. So far he really does like it. He isn't too short for it, though I had to put a towel in there with him so he wouldn't slouch down. He really likes to rock back and forth and grab the toys. Grabbing is still a bit new for him so he seems to really get a sense of accomplishment from being able to grab all the different things. As he gets older I think he'll also like being able to go in circles and bouncing.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
A New Sippy Cup
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Oh Canada, I Did Not Mean to Almost Enter Thee
Today I almost accidentally went to Canada. Detroit is apparently right on the border of Canada (a fact unbeknownst to me until today), and I took a wrong turn while near downtown and ended up on a one-way street with concrete barriers on the side which leaves the driver no alternative other than to go to the border crossing station. Not having my passport with me, I wasn't sure what would happen. Fortunately, they account for inattentive tourists like me, and when I explained my situation at one of the border gates, they gave me some paperwork to sign and then directed me to a nearby gate where a guard would let me through so I could turn around and go back. Here I am with my paperwork as the irritated guard approaches.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
One of my customers in Madison has some cow statues in various places in their office complex. Last year I got a picture with one of them. Today I found another one on their property that I hadn't seen before, so here I am with the newly-discovered bovine.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Parents as Teachers
Parents as Teachers is a program in most school districts where an educator comes to your house every couple of months and answers any questions on development you may have and gives you activity ideas as well. Today we had our first meeting. Here Joshua and I are with our educator, Elizabeth.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Pack Attack
Today we had our own little Super Bowl party. It was Joshua's first Super Bowl experience, and Christine was also able to join us. Meghan made amazing appetizers as always, followed by two delicious desserts. It makes me sorta feel sorry for people who have normal boring Super Bowl food. We were rooting for the Packers, and they won, and Jordy Nelson even scored the first touchdown of the game, which made everything even better.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
A Rare Meal Out
Today we went out for lunch at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants. It was really nice to be able to go out rather than get takeout. The key to a pleasant meal with Joshua is going at lunch. I have had many good experiences with him at lunch, at home and at restaurants. Dinner is much more hit or miss.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Our Baby is Growing
Last week I thought the bassinet in our pack and play seemed a little saggy so today I looked up the weight limit. It's 15 lbs. I also weighed Joshua and he weighs 15 lbs, so it seemed like time to take the insert out. So now he is just sleeping in the pack and play itself. He is totally growing up.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Pug-Height Snow
Because of the 14 inches of snow we ended up getting, I had to shovel a path on the back deck for the dogs to go outside. Here they look up at me wondering why they have to go outside when the snow is taller than they are.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Snowpocalypse Now
The storm of the century was predicted. I wouldn't go that far but so far it's definitely the storm of the year and we got a good 12-14 inches of snow which sure is a lot for here. Here Jason takes an unconventional break after shoveling (and yes I told him laying in the snow might not be his smartest decision ever).
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